A Memorial Day Reflection
Today, as we observe Memorial Day, we do so as both Americans and as Christians. As citizens of this republic, we note the sacrifice of those who gave their lives during our nation's wars. Some of these conflicts were noble, some not, but in each instance, the men and women who died under arms did so wearing our country's uniform, serving on behalf of their fellow citizens, you and me included. It is with gravitas and gratitude, then, that we recall what others have given for our nation. As Christians, we lay aside our patriotic preferences and take a step back, offering a prayer for all who have died in war - soldiers, civilians, allies, enemies, all of whom are children of God. This day, then, let us recall the words from Isaiah, ... they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And let us also ...