
This morning I enjoyed a cup of coffee with a member of our church. We had a chance to catch up on each others' lives, share the latest news about our families, share a few jokes, and, of course, talk church. The time we took from our schedules was a gift, not just because of the company we shared, but because meeting gave each of us a chance to slow down. As I consider this Advent, and reflect on the year that's past, I see that there are more people, in the church and beyond, with whom I would like to have coffee or lunch or whatnot. I write this not out of a sense of guilt, but gratitude and possibility. So, rather than offer a New Year's Resolution, I'm offering an Advent Aspiration: to take more time to enjoy that blessing of the company of the members of my community -- whether it's the one I experience in church or it's the one beyond. Perhaps you'll join me in grabbing a cup of Joe? My treat!


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