Stop the Yuletide Madness!

"Felize Navidad," move over. Justin Bieber's singing "Little Drummer Boy."

I kid you not.

I don't make this stuff up.


Just four seconds of the hour's musical wunderkind singing "Little Drummer Boy" this morning made me desperately long for the morning of December 25 and the return to regular programming on the radio.

Of course, this may be a sign from above, offering us yet another reason for us to reclaim Advent from the wider culture!


  1. More seriously, can you help understand your objection? Is it the song or the singer? Isn't it a good thing for the story of the nativity, however fictionalized, to be a robust part of the "wider culture"?

  2. My objections are two-fold:

    First, and far more mundane, is that I found the performance to be jaw-droppingly awful. Given how out of tune I am with popular culture, Mr. Bieber will probably sell a bazillion CDs and MP3s and, since he seems to actually have his head screwed on straight, more power to him.

    Second, and more to the point, is my visceral reaction to the playing of Christmas music during Advent. It's all going to come to a screeching halt at 12:01 AM on Christmas Day -- which is pretty much when it ought to begin!

  3. With respect to your first point, I don't hope to convert you to the joys of Justin Bieber. However, I believe that I can convert you to the joys of 1/8th speed Justin Bieber. Below is a link to one of Mr. Bieber's songs slowed down. It is remarkable and beautiful, one might even say atmospherically Brucknerian:


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