Running Late

How is it only 9:47 am and I already feel like I've fallen way behind schedule?  If you're like me, you've had days like this.  Maybe you're having one like it just now.  Such times call for triage, the ruthless management of one's schedule to get back on track, to make a semblance of progress before the sun sets.  Alternatively, there is the wisdom offered long ago by a former colleague: "There's nothing you can do today that you can't put off until tomorrow."  Now, you might say, aren't these both ways of choosing to do some things and not others?  You'd be right, of course.  But these are two very different ways of looking at things, of setting priorities.  The first approach is hurried, hastened, and operates from a position of scarcity - we don't have enough time!  The second approach is more relaxed, measured, and is rooted in a position of abundance - we have not only today but tomorrow to do what needs to be done; we can remember that as we make choices and set priorities.

Today, whether you are behind, on, or ahead of schedule, try to look at time and finitude as gifts, ones that should not be inducers of stress but a cause for rejoicing for with them, we can praise God and serve God's people.


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