There's Still Time to Vote!

The 2016 N.H. primary is now officially history.  The candidates have moved on.  The volunteers decamped.  Lent 2016, though, is just beginning!

During this season there will be no advertising on our TVs or Facebook feeds, no canvassers knocking on the door, no pollsters calling during the dinner hour.  But just as during this now-concluded campaign, we will be asked to make choices.  The options, though, will be different.  For each of us, the answers to the following questions will be  highly personal, not to be found on a predetermined list: How will we use these weeks of preparation?  What will we do to make things right with God and God's people? Where will go to grow closer to God?

I invite you to ponder these questions as you embark upon your Lenten journey.


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