I'm tired today. I didn't sleep well last night and
before I knew it, much of today had slipped by. Too much to do, too
little time in which to do it. Writing a reflection seemed like yet one
more thing to check off a too-full to-do list. Yet now as I write
this, I know it's more. It's a time to slow down, reflect, consider
what it is I'm doing with this day with which I've been blessed by God.
"Slow down, be quiet, it's Advent" are words with which we're
familiar. "Slow down, be quiet, it's Lent" are ones we should take to
heart, too. If we don't, we'll never have a chance to figure out just
what it is we need to set right with God and God's people. And then we
won't be ready for Easter. And that would be a shame. So, yes, I'm
tired. But at least for a few moments, when I've had to slow down, I've
been able to live a bit more fully into Lent.
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