No-name Day

Monday was Pi Day (at least here in the US, where our shorthand for the date was 3/14.  Not so in other parts of the world which put the day before the month!).

Tuesday was the Ides of March (Sorry, Caesar).

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.  Or, if you live in Boston, Evacuation Day (which commemorates the British evacuation of Boston in 1776).

Today, though, is just a plain old Wednesday.  There's nothing to remember, nothing to mark.  Except this: today is the day that the Lord has made.  And that's pretty neat.  We can easily forget that each day is a precious gift from God.  Lent is a good time to remind ourselves of this truth and to repent for all of the times we've forgotten this reality.  So give thanks for this God-given day.  Have a parade, put out the bunting, rejoice!


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