The Grass is Greener on My Side of the Fence

You know the old saying, "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence."  Well, sometimes, it's not.  I was reminded of that this morning.  I have to deal with a bunch of things today, including the damage to our car from being rear ended earlier this month (we're okay, the car is banged up, the insurance company has been great).  I was really feeling that things, well, stank.  Then when I got to church three people driving an old car with New York plates were waiting. Turns out they needed assistance, which I was able to give them, thanks to our church's Open Door ministry.  The short version of this story is this: their problems were bigger than mine.  If you're feeling put upon, just know somebody else has it worse than you.  I'm not saying your challenges aren't real, but I bet you can handle them, especially with some prayer and patience.

This Lent, let's repent from the sin of self absorption.  Let's ask for a sense of perspective.  And let's welcome the Lords' grace as we manage the things life throw at us.


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