
Today we begin Lent.  It was cold and raw as I stood in front of the church to dispense ashes.  There was no foot traffic and the cars sped by.  I hope things are different at lunchtime. You might ask, was it worth it.  I believe it was, that what I did it was good, that it was important to offer the ashes.  In past years, people have stopped.  In every year, including this, I have been able to offer a visible witness to our faith.  As we embark on our Lenten journey, it is worth considering what each of us might do to make our faith known to others.  Doing so is incredibly important in this fallen, contentious world.   Jesus has chosen each of us to be disciples - one of the things for which we might repent during this Lent is how we all too often turn away from being known as one of his followers.


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