
Today marks the start of the Triduum, the three holy days leading up to Easter, and commences with the Maundy Thursday liturgy, which we traditionally say in the evening.  Of course, this year is unlike other years, and we recorded the liturgy at church yesterday, in the afternoon, before taking a break to record the Good Friday service.  But fear not, we'll have a live Maundy Thursday service this evening.  Are you now confused?  I know I am.  Services are being celebrated on days not assigned by the liturgical calendar, all sorts of things are being moved around, and people (i.e., me) are tired.

But I'm not complaining.  Really.  All of the days on the liturgical calendar will still take place at their appointed times.  We will still celebrate Easter on Sunday morning.   Which means we still have a few days left for Lenten reflection and repentance.  Our current situation, as troubling as it may be, still pales when compared with the great gift of Easter.  We don't minimized the illness, death, and dislocation by saying on Easter Jesus was raised from the dead.  Instead, we may reflect on the new beginning that God is offering us.  What will we do with ourselves, our world, after this pandemic passes?  These are questions that can lead to confusion.  But to fail to do something worthy of God would be, well, a sin.


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