Sacraments for Social Networkers
Last week the Daily Telegraph reported that the Rev. Tim Ross, a Methodist minister in the UK, was planning to use Twitter to administer communion ( ). While I applaud Rev. Ross' desire to use 21st century tools to spread the Good News, and I believe that real communities of interest can be formed online, I rather think this liturgical initiative rather misses the point. Communion a/k/a the Eucharist a/k/a the Lord's Supper is based on a shared meal. Yes, you and I could both sit down to eat and drink in different locations and email, text, or tweet one another about what were consuming, and we would have a common experience -- but would we really be sharing a meal? I don't think so. Some Christians believe that the host and wine are literally transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Others believe they are compelling representations of God's lov...