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Originally posted at www.fccleb.org on June 23
The Guardian of London reports that a 4th century fresco depicting John and Andrew was discovered under a street in Rome (go here for more: www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/jun/22/apostles-images-john-andrew-italy). Finds like this are always welcome news to this Roman and Church history fan. They help us learn more about the ancient world and the people who inhabited it, making classical times come alive.
The Guardian of London reports that a 4th century fresco depicting John and Andrew was discovered under a street in Rome (go here for more: www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/jun/22/apostles-images-john-andrew-italy). Finds like this are always welcome news to this Roman and Church history fan. They help us learn more about the ancient world and the people who inhabited it, making classical times come alive.
One of the most striking things about the fresco is that it portrays a youthful Andrew. In most art, he’s shown as an old man. Here we have him at his prime, allowing us to imagine the disciple as he was when he knew Jesus. He’s a young man, and we can picture him setting out on the great adventure in ministry and service to which he’d been called.
By providing us with an unaccustomed depiction of Andrew from an earlier part of his life, this fresco helps to make him a more three-dimensional figure to us, providing a reminder that the disciples were real people who aged, had foibles, ambitions, doubts, hopes and dreams – people just like you and me.
Pretty neat stuff, if you ask me!
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