Hot as Hades

Originally posted at on July 8, 2010

From the “We Never Got Around To This in Divinity School” Files …

The past few days have seen the mercury climb into in the high 90s in the Upper Valley; my car’s thermometer has twice displayed a temperature of 100. The bottom line: it’s been hot, hot, hot. Which got me to thinking about hell.

In the popular imagination, hell is a very hot place, defined by fire and brimstone. Nothing is every said about humidity, though, which I find interesting.

For me, it’s the humidity that has given the recent weather its edge. I can tolerate the heat (though I’d much prefer temperatures in the high 60s or low 70s). The damp, cloying air is what gets to me. If hell were a physical place, I suspect it would be very, very muggy – and there’d be no cool water let alone air conditioning.

Which now has me wondering about the weather in heaven …


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