Grace is Like a Turkey

I left the parishioner's house, and as I walked to my car, saw a flock of wild turkeys.  While it occurred in a part of town where such fowl are to be expected, the siting was still surprising.  You see, I didn't expect to see the birds.  So when I did, I was caught off guard, even though this was their turf.

Reflecting on this, it struck me that our experience of grace can be like this, too.  We all too often don't expect to see grace, even though it's present.  We get caught up in our own issues, agendas, complaints, woes, and lose sight of God's grace, which is with us all the time.  But grace is a powerful thing, and so it can break through the clutter and distraction of our lives, catch us off guard, and surprise us.

This Advent, as we watch and wait, let's stay alert -- for we never know when and where we'll run into God's grace.


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