Face facts: time is running out. Less than 72
hours remain until Christmas Eve. Odds are, there's something you'd
like to do, think you have to do, but won't get to do. There's only so
much time. And you have to eat. And sleep (a little bit, at least).
Walk the dog. Go to work. So you'll have to set priorities, make
choices, perform triage on that "to do" list. That's okay. Don't
fret. Don't worry. You're only human. Just one piece of advice:
remember to make time to keep on watching and waiting for Jesus. Lose
sight of him and all of that frantic activity is ultimately pointless.
But keep your eye on him and everything will come into focus,
perspective will be gained, love will be encountered, new life gained.
Time is running out 'till the Christ child arrives. Hooray!
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