Spring is Coming

It's a glorious day.  The sun shines, the temperatures are rising, buds are emerging.  Spring is coming.

However, it's not here yet.  Not really.  Sure, the calendar suggests it arrived last month, but for those of us in New England, we know that winter is lurking.  It's ready to pop out and surprise us with a visit or two or even three before it recedes for a few months.  Sin is like that, too.  We think it's behind us, but in truth, it has merely gone quiet.  It will return.

The good news, though, is that while winter may lurk, spring will always come.  Sometimes we have to be patient, sometimes we have to be strong.  But string will come.  So, too, will relief from sin through the God who made himself know in Jesus.  We'll have a reminder of that truth this coming Sunday.

This Holy Week, I invite you to join me in thinking about and praying on the advent of the spring we know in the Risen Christ and of what this can mean for our lives.  Spring is coming.  We can count on it.


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