Confession time: I've never really gotten the idea of fasting. I know
why we do it and what it's supposed to facilitate. But the truth is, I
get hungry. And instead of setting aside my appetites and wants in
favor of prayer and God, I focus on them even more. So, why bother?
Why bother with abstinence? This year, I find myself missing my coffee
something fierce. It's not working for me. Ah, for me. But it's not
about me is it? Or at least it should not be about me. It really is
about God. Who, we Christians confess, came to us to be with us, live
with us, die for us. Talk about giving up something. It doesn't make my
forfeiture of coffee or a meal seem all that onerous. I'll keep
abstaining from coffee, I may even try fasting. I won't like it. But
if I do it enough, I may break through my reservations and find myself
closer to God.
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