Spring ... Then Winter, Again.

Here in New Hampshire the forecast for today is for temperatures in the sixties.  Spring has sprung.  Alas, not so fast: tomorrow the mercury will be back in the thirties.  So, what to make of this weather anomaly.  The first is to recall the tired old adage, "It's New England, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change."  The second is to stumble into a fruitless debate about climate change.  It's here, the science is settled, discussion over.  Third is to reflect on anticipation and the Kingdom of God.  We long for a world that is healed, where all walk with God, where righteousness abounds.  But that's not our world.  Ours is fallen.  But we can get a glimpse of this Kingdom world when we see people helping one another, loving God, doing something for the church and the community.  These grace-filled moments are more common than we let on and we should look for them to see what God's future will be like.

If you're in a place that will have warm weather today, enjoy it.  Don't fret when it grows cold again.  Look forward to the real spring, which will surely come as will the Kingdom of God.


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