Looking for Information

When I was growing up and for many years thereafter, I had to look out of a first floor window at an externally placed thermometer to find out what the temperature was.  For a forecast, I looked at the paper or could turn on a radio (but had to wait for the information to be shared).  Now, I just tap an app and there's all the information in one convenient place.  I love the how accessible the forecast is.  But there's a bit of regret.  There's no work and thus no real reward, no true sense of discovery.

During Advent we look for answers (or at least should) to life's biggest questions, for the light in the darkness, for the hope of the world.  We will have to work.  To have them handed to us on a platter would devalue them.  So as we search for the Lord this season, let us be grateful that it isn't too easy, that we may have to exert ourselves, to find the One who is also seeking us.


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