
Yes, that word again.  Preparing. Getting ready. Blah, blah, blah. Can't we just get on with it?

Well, no, we can't.  Those parental maxims from childhood about the need to have everything in order are true, even if they may annoy us.  We need to prepare for all sorts of things: moving, new jobs, changes in relationships, and, yes, the arrival of Christ.  We now have ten days until Christmas Eve.  Think about that: ten days and then we'll be in church presumably singing carols and reading the nativity story and welcoming guests or hitting the road for a visit and then making a dinner and opening presents and it's all so much if you think about it.  So, so much.  So use these last days of Advent (we're more than half way there!), to pray, to prepare, to make room in your heart and your life for the Christ child.


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