
Amazing, wasn't it?  At 7:02 this morning spring arrived.  Daffodils poked through the ground.  Buds appeared on trees.  Temperatures reached into the sixties and robins could be heard singing.  Not a bit of snow nor ice could be seen anywhere.

What?  This wasn't your experience today?

Okay, it wasn't mine either.  Still, even if it looked and felt like winter, it was most definitely spring.

The kingdom of God is like this, too.  We may see a fallen world, we may stumble into sin, we may stray from God.  But the kingdom is here.  And with each passing day, it's presence is made known to us in new and wondrous ways, ways that will ultimately transform us if only we'll be open to the possibility.  It's within this context that we observe Lent, that we journey to Easter.

So happy spring.  And welcome to the kingdom.


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