Meeting Jesus

What do you think your reaction would be if you met Jesus.  Not in the "I've been touched by his presence" or "I've felt the Holy Spirit" variety of meeting but in the actual in-the-flesh, chance-to-shake-hands kind.

Would you be happy?  Freaked out?  Speechless?  Confused? Wary?

If we've been going to church for any time, our initial response might well be "happy."  But if we've been paying attention to the Gospels and we're being honest with ourselves during Lent, freaked out, speechless, confused, and wary might be more credible answers to the question.  Jesus, after all, has come to utterly change the world, our world, yours and mine.  He didn't come to help us be more ethically grounded or to spend more time helping old ladies cross the street (as worthy as those things are) but to usher in the Kingdom of God, a reality that doesn't have as its priorities our priorities, but those of the One who created the universe and seeks to redeem a fallen humanity through justice, reconciliation, grace, and love.

During this Lent, as we look into our hearts, lets also take some time to brace ourselves for meeting Jesus.  For who knows?  He could show up any time.  Even right now.


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