
Listen closely and you'll hear it.  The first stirrings as the orchestra prepares to play.  Perhaps you've been caught off guard.  The performance isn't scheduled to begin until later.  But the musicians are just so excited, they have to start tuning up.  They're excited about the concert, about the music they're going to play.  Welcome to Holy Saturday.

On this day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday we expect things to be quiet, especially if we're from the Reformed or Free church traditions, which normally don't have a special service of worship this day.  But don't you doubt that something amazing is happening.  All creation will be affected.  And some can already sense something seismic is on the horizon and are impatient to get on with the celebrating.  Toes are tapping, fingers are drumming.  Welcome to Holy Saturday.

The random notes will begin to weave into tunes, the tunes into something more complex, until a great, grand symphony washes over all the world tomorrow.  It will be a wondrous moment, one to savor.  But savor this moment of quiet, too.  Give thanks for the stillness, the chance to catch one's breath.  Reflect on where we've been and we have yet to go.  Welcome to Holy Saturday.


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