Loop Holes

Today is Laetare Sunday.  This day is a celebration day, a reminder that Easter is now drawing near. In many liturgical traditions, it is an opportunity to take a break from one's Lenten disciplines.

Sorry, but maybe this is the Puritan-inspired Congregationalist in me, but that sounds awfully, well, cheatish.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  I understand the reasoning.  And it makes sense to me.  But what's the point of having a discipline if you're going to take breaks from it?  Okay, that sounds a bit Pharasaical, doesn't it?

The truth is, if I give up my Lenten disciplines today, it will be that much harder for me to resume them tomorrow and now that I've settled into my routine, I don't want to mess things up.  I'm not sure how holy that is, but it's the honest truth.  If I go get that cup of coffee today, I know I'll want to get one tomorrow.  Temptation and all that.

Those of you who are stronger than me, enjoy yourselves today.  You'll be back on track tomorrow.  If you're like me, well, stick with what you know -- but find another way to celebrate.  Contemplate the beauty of God's creation.  Help a neighbor.  Feed the hungry.  And remember: Easter is just three weeks away!


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