
Today is supposedly the first full day of spring but looking out my window, one wouldn't know it.  The sky is leaden and snow still covers the ground.  While it's not bitterly cold, it is also not quite warm.  Bottom line: it's still looking a lot like winter.  This seasonal dissonance reminds me of our eschatological reality: the already-not yet state of things that Paul so powerfully explored in his epistles.  Jesus has triumphed on the cross (the already) but the Kingdom doesn't seem to have arrived in full (the not yet).  As Christians, we are called to witness to what Jesus has done and not be swayed or deterred by the world as it is.  Unfortunately, we all too often give up.  Lent is a good time to acknowledge this reality and recommit ourselves to being people of God's New Creation.  For while it may not look like spring, it most certainly is!


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