Digging Out
Yep, another weather-themed reflection.
Most of the snow has fallen.
Where there was bare grass yesterday, now lies a foot of cover. The
mounds had more shrunken to a manageable size but now they will once
again loom large. Digging out seems so Sisyphean.
But it needs to be done. We
need to get to work, to school, to church, to play, to wherever we are
going. If done properly, it provides a good work out. And the old snow
and the new are not the same. You remember the old saw about no two
flakes being the same? Well, its true for mounds and piles and berms.
Our sins, whether the personal
kind, or the ones we perpetrate as communities, keep on building up.
Lent is a reminder that despite this reality there is hope. We can take
time to hack away at them, to reduce the pile, to get ahead. And on
Easter, well, Sisyphus finally will make it to the top. Imagine that.
Life conquering death, hope conquering sin, love conquering hate. But
we have to help by responding to God's gift.
We need to clear the way.
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