What's Important?

What's truly important in your life?  What really matters?  And do you spend time on that thing, or are you distracted by other claims on your time?  If so, is it really that important to you?

Something to think about on a Monday morning, as you plan for the week ahead.  I know mine will be busy.  And at times I won't spend time on the things, the people, that are important to me.  It's not because I don't care.  I'll be distracted, called away, a victim of poor planning.  So I'll try to do better. I'll try to be more focused and to use an overused word, mindful.

Lent is about doing better.  First we admit what we get wrong, then we say sorry, and then we try to get it right.  With God and with people.  It's about saying what's important and then making that our priority, even if that requires some planning.  It's about doing the hard work to make it possible to focus on what's important.


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