Early Easter?
I've been receiving emails from
Amazon.co.uk for more than a week now encouraging me to take advantage
of their "Early Easter Sale" savings. Question: just what is Early
Easter? Your answer is as good as mine. Obviously, a marketing
Now, as I sip my morning tea and wish it were a cup of coffee, I can see the merit of an Early Easter. Less Lent!
But that's like shortchanging
your diet or exercise regimen or savings plan. It might feel good at
the moment, but you'll be the worse for it in the long run. We need
Lent. All of it. The 40 days, and the Sundays, too. All of it. In
fact, to be honest, Lent should be longer. But that pose another kind
of problem. Let's just appreciate the Lent we have. Easter will be
here soon enough, there's no need to rush it.
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