The weather here in Northern N.H. is confused. When I woke up this
morning I found that 5 inches of snow had fallen. Sure, this was good
for the resevoirs and water table, but come on, its almost April! I
know that weather at this time of year is often unpredictable,
but was this really necessary? It's all so confusing - I'm pretty sure
I saw a couple of flowers making their way through the earth the other
day. Now they're blanketed.
This odd weather is of a piece with our confusing times. We make our
way through Lent, with its discomfort as we examine our hearts and
confront our sins, to the sure certainty of Easter, when we know that
Jesus is resurrected. Until then, accept that you
might be confused, lost, wondering what is going on. But know that
God's love is coming, is indeed here with us now, and that should make
it easier to find our way forward.
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