March Madness

Do you feel like there's too much going on right now?  Politics, the economy, coronavirus, the list goes on.  Even though the NCAA has cancelled its annual basketball Bacchanalia, and millions of office pools have now been stowed away, we sure are going to have March Madness this year.  If you don't believe, just open the paper, boot up your computer, or turn on a television: it's crazy out there right now.

In the midst of all the nuttiness, all the weirdness in our lives, we are blessed to have the God we know in Jesus and through the Holy Spirit by our side.  He is our rock as the storm rages, our comfort in uncertain times.  He is our rock and our redeemer.  This is always worth remembering, but especially so during Lent.  We all too often turn to other refuges, some even unhealthful, during moments of crisis.  It's in those moments especially that we should remember that God love us, that God is waiting for us.

So, if you're still looking go give up something this Lent, try taking a pass on the madness ...


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