
The desert, in Scripture, is portrayed a wasteland to pass through, a place of danger, a home to trouble - and as a necessary stop on the way to the future.  The Children of Israel sojourned there, Moses fled there, and, as we recount during this Lenten season, Jesus retreated there.  If you think back to these stories, you'll remember that the desert might be many unpleasant things, but one thing it is not is empty.  Temptation lurks there, and so does disobedience.  But also wonders and if one is alert, God himself, as Moses discovered.

Don't misunderstand me: the odds of you encountering a burning bush that is not consumed by fire are pretty much nil.  But during this year's Lent, which has suddenly become charged with the arrival of the coronavirus, be aware of the temptations - to despair, to be angry, to lash out from boredom or stress, and be aware of grace - God's presence is near to each of us, ready to comfort, support, and encourage us.  It's an old saying, a cliche really, that this too shall pass.  And it will, and with God's help, we will come through.


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