Be Our Guest

"Come Lord Jesus, be our guest/To us this food, let it be blest."

This is one of the table graces we say or sing in the Silver household.  Today, I'm focusing on the first part of the prayer: "Be our guest."  How do we treat guests?  This is a great question to ponder during Advent, especially if we're willing to consider those visitors we eagerly anticipate, but those who show up unannounced, perhaps at times when we're busy or have other priorities.  How do we deal with the unexpected?  How do we deal with disruption?  During Advent, we prepare to welcome gentle baby Jesus, sometimes forgetting he's going to grow up to be the guy who overturns tables and asks us to take up the cross.  Are we really prepared to offer the Christ child hospitality?  Are we willing to do the same with those he has named as worthy of particular attention - the poor, the hungry, the widow and orphan, all those rejected and scorned and turned away?

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest.

And give us the faith, courage, and grace to welcome you and all of your children with open hearts, minds, and souls.


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