High Noon

In the popular imagination, it's all down hill from here.  After midday, the sun will begin its slow journey to the Western horizon.  Once there, it will drop below the hills of the Connecticut River Valley and leave us in darkness.  Bleh.

But let me share an encouraging nugget with you.  Though the days are still going to get shorter over the next couple of weeks, sunset reached its earliest time yesterday.  That's right: today we will enjoy light a little bit later in the day than we did just 24 hours before.  Tomorrow, the sun will linger that much longer.  Things, my friends, are getting better even if we don't know it!

Advent is a reminder of how the Kingdom of God is breaking into our lives.  We may not see it, we may still focus on all that is wrong in our lives and the world, but the reality is that God's new creation is already unfolding around us.  If we want to enjoy this blessing, though, we need to prepare.  Part of doing that is to adapt a perspective.  Will we despair or hope?

It's high noon.  Think about it.


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