Who Would Jesus Hate?

There seems to be an unusually high amount of hate-filled invective being spewed these days.  While it's disheartening to hear from politicians, it's heartbreaking when it's offered up by clergy.  Sadly, some Christians think God is calling on them to demonize Muslims, as if the way of following Jesus involves targeting those who don't share their belief systems.  I think they miss the mark, and by a wide margin.  After all, Jesus calls on us to confront our own shortcomings before focusing on those of someone else.

During Advent, as we prepare to welcome the Christ child, we have an opportunity to ask if our attitudes towards others is marked by love.  If the answer is no, we should pray, reflect, and repent.  Because if we don't have room in our hearts for those who are different from us, we won't have room Jesus.


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