What Time Is It?

I'm listening to the live broadcast of the King's Chapel service of Nine Lessons and Carols; in Cambridgeshire, it's already Christmas Eve.  The weather here in the Upper Valley is unusually warm.  Here it feels like it's already springtime.  So while my clock and calendar tell me it's still morning time on December 24 Christmas Eve Day, my senses and experiences are telling me otherwise.  Time seems to be in flux.  And on this of all days, that is apt.  On this day, we celebrate the moment when God enters into our world, defying all of our expectations; overturning all of our preconceptions; restoring, renewing, redeeming creation.  This is the hour when God scrambles everything, all in the name of God's love for us.

What time is it?

What a silly question.

It's God's time.


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