April Fools Day

Sometimes, the claims of our faith can seem like a joke.  A loving God?  Ha.  Look at the world around us - war, hunger, natural disasters, the list goes on.  But when I consider the alternative - that there really is no God, that Jesus never came, that the Holy Spirit is just what arch atheist Richard Dawkins would call an "imaginary friend" - I shudder.  A meaningless, purposeless cosmos makes no sense to me.  And I can see evidence of God's work in the world all around me, in nature, in people, in everything.  Frankly, it's not believers who are being fools.  Those unfortunate enough to not have faith are the ones on whom the joke is being played.  We shouldn't boast though.  It's Lent, which reminds us of the need for repentance.  Instead of being full of ourselves, confirmed in the rightness of our beliefs, we would do well to pray for others: believers and non-believers, all of whom are God's children.


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