Black Hole

Astronomers just shared a picture of a black hole with the public.  Long hypothesized, but never observed, it appears to be a black circle surrounded by a ring of fire.  I'm sure this is grossly simplifying the reality, but it seems appropriate for something that is synonymous with such a final end.  We've long known how dangerous black holes are, how crossing the event horizon is about as final a thing as one can do, how not even light is able to escape the gravitational forces of this phenomenon.  Yet our universe seems to need black holes, which occupy the center of our galaxy, to playing a role in calculations for the hypothetical possibility of interstellar travel.

Today, we know a tad more about black holes, but are still so much in the dark.  So, too, with what Jesus means for our world.  We've read in the Gospel what he has done and is doing for us, have seen him at work through the church and the saints in our lives.  Yet the idea that God is really at work in our world can be so hard to believe sometimes.  Just look at the news.  But take another look and see all the good that is going on, like astronomers making new discoveries.

When we look to the skies, we see the Lord's universe.  Too often, we forget that, which is a sin, not so much because of what God might demand of us but because of the limits we place on our own imaginations.  Look to the sky today.  Thank God for the sun, the clouds, the stars, the moon, the black hole.  We live in a universe of wonders, thanks be to God.


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