Not Yet

For the first time this Lent, I dreamed off coffee last night.  I have a clear memory of a cup of hot, black java in a classic white diner mug.  As many of you know, I give up coffee during this season and looking forward to my first cup tomorrow.  I've had plenty of chances to fall off this Lenten wagon, but have resisted all of them.  But last night was the only instance in this Lent that coffee made an appearance in my dreams.  Curse you REM activity!

I wonder.  Was this what it was like for Judas?  A series of small temptations, followed by one irresistible wave in the form of men bearing thirty pieces of silver?  I prefer to think Judas was slowly seduced to evil rather than a cartoon-like figure of total evil.  The former seems more realistic to me -- and is a more vivid cautionary character.  Be alert, be careful, be alert right until the end.  Which is the beginning.

With some prayer, some thoughtfulness, and the aid of the Holy Spirit, I think I can make it until tomorrow morning, and the Resurrection of Jesus.  Which I'll celebrate with worship and a nice cup of coffee.  But that's for later.  Today, I still have Lent to observe.


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