
Yesterday, I came home from work to find a piece of mail from what I refer to as the liturgical-industrial complex.  They were helpfully peddling resources for Lent.  Yes, Lent.  That Lent. The period of preparation leading up the Feast of the Resurrection.  In other words, Jesus has not yet born and we're already making plans for his memorial service.  I know there's a need for preparation and there are those who love nothing more than planning in advance.  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  But I want to be present in this Advent, in this time.  I want to anticipate the birth of the Messiah, God's entrance into this world.  And while it's already happened long ago, it's an event worth savoring and celebrating, reflecting upon and expecting.  The time for Lent will come.  But now, it's still Advent.  Be present in this moment God has made.


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