
Today is Gaudete Sunday.  You may know it as the morning on which we light the pink candle in church.  This is the day on which we are called to be joyful.
Joyful? Why?
We don’t focus so much on the fact that Advent is a penitential season.  Just like Lent, Advent is a time to repent, to return to God.  The early church leaders decided that a respite was needed, and so Gaudette came into being.
We can think of this as a sneak preview of what will happen on the 24th, when we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.  Angels will sing from the heavens, humans and creatures of every kind will rejoice on earth – the universe will celebrate the arrival of the new-born king.  The world will receive – has received – the greatest of gifts.
Joyful? You bet. Get ready!


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