One Below

The thermometer on my car dashboard reflected an unwanted piece of news early this morning: it was one below zero.  Brrrrr.  Now, I live in New Hampshire, so this wasn't totally unexpected, especially as its December.  Still, it was sobering.  One below is cold, really cold.  But helping me to deal with this fact was that the reading was at the start of the day and warmer weather would appear later in the day.  I'm counting on it, even though I can't know it will happen.

Advent is sort of like this.  We're cold and in the dark.  But we know something grand, something that will warm our hearts and brighten our world, what St John called the light shining in the darkness, whom we know as Jesus, is on his way.  You know it. I know it. Let's take heart and encouragement from this good news!


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