Let It Snow

It's snowing! Again!

Sure, we've seen snow already this season.  And it provided ground cover.  And then it warmed up and melted, setting us back to a blank slate.  Now, the white stuff is falling from the sky and the forecast is for some cold weather to linger.  We've been here before, no?  Still, there's some anticipation, some excitement that comes with snowfall early in the winter (or late fall for the seasonally-obsessed) - even though we know exactly what is going to happen.

This sounds a bit like Advent, doesn't it?  We repeat this cycle of preparation, of waiting, of anticipation every year and if we let ourselves live into the moment, the familiar will seem fresh, the old hat will seem like a new thing.

I hope your having a good Advent.  If you'd like more from this season, fear not - you still have a week until Christmas Eve.  It's coming, but not yet, not before some snow falls.


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