
With apologies to Raymond Chandler, today's weather is the stuff the blues are made of. The skies are a leaden gray, the intermittent rain cold and unwanted. All I want to do is say, "blah."


I've done it. Do I feel better? Not so much. Which suggests another tack might be in order.

Looking at the sky again, I recall the imagery from Luke of angels bursting forth through the sky, breaking into our world to announce the birth of the Christ child.

Advent, the time of waiting, is a moment to remember that something different, something grander is coming. That's not just an empty statement; it's the truth. And we know this is the case because what's to come is promised by our faithful God -- who has already made good on his commitment to us.

So, "Blah?'' Not on your life. How about "Wow!"


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