No Free Lunch?

As the proverbial mercury once again heads off into record setting territory, people across the region are preparing for another glorious day. People will walk, bike, run, play hooky. After all, an 80 degree in March is an unalloyed blessing to be enjoyed, right? Well, yes, but there's a catch. What to some is an unalloyed blessing is to others a source of worry, a reminder of the exceedingly clement winter we've just experienced. One person's delight in the absence of snow and ice feeds another's concerns about reservoirs running dry, forests becoming susceptible to fire, or a winter sports business that fell on hard times. Every coin, goes the old cliche, has two sides. What comes up, must come down. If I win, you lose. There is no free lunch.

Except when we're talking about God's grace.

When God shares God's grace with you, it's not at my expense. When I experience God's grace, there isn't any less for you. Lent is a time for us to remember this because all too often in life people professing to be followers of Christ act as if God's love and healing are finite, that there's no way there can be enough to go around for everyone. And then the church winds up engaging in the worst behaviors of this world, with God's good name taking the hit. So, today, let's enjoy the beautiful weather, spare a thought or two or three for those who may not be in a frame of mind to do so for whatever reason, and pray that all people, everywhere, may enjoy the limitless grace of God.


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