What if I told you TGIF stood for "Thank God I'm Fasting!"? Something tells me that your enthusiams might, just might, not be as great as it would be for "Thanks God it's Friday!" But why?

Why shouldn't we, why aren't we, excited about adopting spiritual disiciplines? What is it that gives us pause, that keeps us from taking that next step on our spiritual pilgrimages? Most of the time and with most people, I don't think it's laziness, or even a lack of commitment. Instead, I think it's fear. A fear that we may not make the grade, that our efforts will be lacking, that we can't be as holy as the other guy or gal.


Spiritual disciplines aren't a competitive activity. God doesn't rank us against one another. Rather, God only asks us to look into our hearts, ask what we can do, and then do our best, whether we're praying, serving, meditating, or even fasting.


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