
Since arriving in the Upper Valley two years ago to serve as First Congregational's pastor, I've visited DHMC quite a few times. Most of the time, it's been to see a member of the congregation. Today, it was take advantage of the Hitch's medical services (as most of you know, I had a "hernia repair" -- this makes me feel like a car, something the 8 year old boy in me thinks is just fine).

As you might imagine, the experience of registering, donning hospital fashions, riding on a gurney and in a wheelchair differs from signing into the clergy book and roaming at will. The sense of autonomy and freedom I normally have was replaced by one of dependence. On top of this, though, were additional feelings I was able to enjoy: trust, reliance, confidence. While I wasn't in charge, I knew I was in good hands. This, of course is what we're supposed to experience when we turn our lives over to God.

So, in addition to a successful procedure, I also enjoyed a different perspective today, one that reminded me of what it's like to, as the cliched but perceptive saying has it, "let go and let God."


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