Not Quite Real

Though Ash Wednesday is now behind us, Lent doesn't quite feel real yet.  It's like spring; it may begin in late March, but snow on the ground and cold temperatures can make us feel as if we are still in the midst of winter.  A new season may have started but we still seem to living in the old one.

We shouldn't be fooled.

The new day has arrived, even if we can't recognize it.  A new thing is being done, even if we can't describe it.  We just need to be patient.  If we give Lent time, we'll be able to see just how real it is, how God is calling us to draw near and begin our lives anew, to set aside our sin and fears and anxieties in favor of faithfulness and hope and peace.

Not quite real?  Wrong.  It's as real as it gets.  Open yourself to God's healing spirit this season and you'll see.


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