Birth Order

I attended a presentation on the parent-teacher relationship at Chip's school on Saturday morning.  During a fascinating talk, the presenter brought up the subject of birth order.  Apparently, research shows that where a person falls in the family birth order has a serious impact on how he or she will see, behave, perceive.  The first born will be interested in tradition and following rules.  The second born will often be a bit of a rebel who is forward oriented.  Where we come from can have a serious effect on who we are and who we become.  But this need not be deterministic.  Awareness of this dynamic can allow us to shape and adjust our responses to situations. 

Another kind of awareness that is empowering, especially during this Lenten season, is that we are each beloved of God.  God treasures each and every one of us, and invites us to repair and restore our relationships with him and with our brothers and sisters (real and figurative!) - regardless of whether we're first, second, third or tenth born.  Now that's good news!


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