Who Would Jesus Shoot?

Yesterday we learned of a massacre at a Tunisian art museum and a shooting rampage here in the States in Mesa, Arizona.  It seems as if the violence, whether motivated by religion, ideology, illness, or just plain evil, will never end.  We can despair.  We can give up.  We can say it's inevitable.  That it's the cost of freedom or human nature or God's will.  Or we can repent and follow a new path.

We can ask how we are complicit in violence.

We can ask what we are doing to combat violence.

We can ask what we are willing to sacrifice to be peacemakers - the ones whom Jesus said would be blessed.

Who would Jesus shoot?  I think we all know the answer: nobody.  What does that tell us?  Perhaps that we should ask ourselves some questions and listen for the Holy Spirit, praying for God's guidance and peace.


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