Have Some Pi
Yes, today is Pi Day. This celebration of
everyone's favorite oddball, magical, irrational yet highly useful
number - 3.14 ... - is a special occasion this year. For it's not only
March 14 - 3.14 - but March 14, 2015 - 3/14/15 (3.1415 ...). And twice
during the day, a 9:26.53, it gets even better as one can observe on
digital devices 3.141592653 ...
Though many of us have a conflicted relationship with mathematics (quadratic equations, anyone?), numbers are a different matter. They can delight, intrigue, and amaze. Zero. Infinity. Pi. Many among the faithful have often seen the hand of God at work in numbers. They can be used, some think, to predict when Jesus will return. Or when the Earth was created. Personally, I don't think Scripture should be interpreted this way. But I do think the wonders of numbers and math reflect the glory of Creation. So on this Pi Day, take a moment to be impressed and amazed by the sheer awesomeness of this universe that we so often take for granted - and give thanks to God for including us in his creation.
Though many of us have a conflicted relationship with mathematics (quadratic equations, anyone?), numbers are a different matter. They can delight, intrigue, and amaze. Zero. Infinity. Pi. Many among the faithful have often seen the hand of God at work in numbers. They can be used, some think, to predict when Jesus will return. Or when the Earth was created. Personally, I don't think Scripture should be interpreted this way. But I do think the wonders of numbers and math reflect the glory of Creation. So on this Pi Day, take a moment to be impressed and amazed by the sheer awesomeness of this universe that we so often take for granted - and give thanks to God for including us in his creation.
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